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lunes, 16 de junio de 2008

Que Bill tiene novia?? y no es Mónica Sanz??

Bill Has a Girlfriend
Today evening in germans TV there should be an interview with Bill, where he says that he is looking forward to the end of his singlelife!His girlfriend is Natalie (Bills make up artist) and of course as a make up artist she is in the TH crew, and always by his side!So he, Bill, had enough time to get to know her very well. And as we fans all know he needs time to get to know someone...Before he is falling in love with her. Another point is that it is a good feeling for Bill that she (Natalie, his girlfriend) is always with him and the band on the road....
But girls and boys, keep cool its just a rumor! Bill Hasn´t a Girlfriend Okay

En español??

hehehe bueno pues sorry por no poner la traducción, pero se los explico ok?

El articulo dice que en las televisoras alemanas existe el rumor de que Bill ha terminado su vida de soltero, ya que anda con Natalie (su maquillista).

Y como su maquillista, ella siempre esta en los tours de TH, por lo tanto, Bill y ella tienen el tiempo suficiente para estar juntos... :s

Sin embargo... Podemos estar tranquil@s!!!


Pues solo un rumor...

y hasta no escuaharlo de su boca,

no hay que creer nada!!!

Pase lo que pase, mientras Bill sea feliz, yo también hehehehe

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